Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thing #13 - Learning tagging and discover

I was able to set up my account without any problems. I can see several applications for using this web site for research. It would have came in handy back in the days when I was doing so much research while earning my Masters in Library Information Science. It would have been much easier to tag all the items I found and save them for review later, rather than printing out pages and pages of information.

For personal use, I search the Internet quite often for various recipes. I hope to start tagging those recipes so I can find them easily at a later date. Again, I often view many recipes before deciding on one, then I print it out. If someone asks for a copy of the recipe, I find myself returning to a brower and trying to find it again. I can't wait to start tagging my favorite recipes by category, favorites, etc...

In my school library, as I have mentioned before, I use the Unitedstreaming Video web site almost every day. I now plan on using to tag my favorite videos by subject, grade level, content, my own personal rating, and time of year that I most often view the videos. I can share this with the teachers at my school which hopefully will cut down on the number of times we repeat showing the same video to the classes. I don't know how many times I have started a video and had the students say "We already saw that!" Also, if nothing else, I can tag my backup videos in case I have problems with my first selections.

My account is

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